Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Old South Dennis Cemetery

One of the scouts for whom the clean up of the cemetery was an eagle scout project; with his dad, his scout leader


Cuidado said...

I love old cemeteries and have tons of photos. They're always very peaceful.

Kat said...

This one is never opened and was in awful shape with moss covering the stones. The scouts did a wonderful job cleaning everything. A member of the cemetery commission was there and said next they were going to use equipment to try to find the graves still there but missing stones. They think there are many in the middle of the few stones remaining.

Unknown said...

I find old cemeteries interesting. When I was in Europe in the ‘70s, I spent a lot of time visiting ancient churches and the cemeteries that were always near them. I was surprised when I was in Oberammergau to discover tombstones engraved with my mother’s maiden name from the 16th Century. Amazing!

Kat said...

I too wander old cemeteries. I remember wandering for the longest time at Highgate Cemetery in London.

In the town where I grew up I passed an old cemetery all the time. It never was opened, and I was so tempted just to climb the fence to take a look.

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