Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A View from the Deck

My Crow

The rain and the web

A spawn of Satan in the feeder

The Baltimore Oriole Visits

The squirrel chewing off the branches for his nest


The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Just love the squirrel photo´s! The Baltimore oriol is so beautiful! Most of our birds are colored towards brownish and brownish/green.

I just saved a little bird from Teodor the cat. I van say that that cat really puts up a fight when I do that :-) :-) But I managed to put the bird in one of my very thorny rose bushes and I hope it stayed there a long time.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Had to look at the photo´s again :-) The spiderwebb looks so great! I´ve never seen waterdrops in that way over here. Guess it must happen here to though :-)

Do You have to fill that water fountine often :-) :-)

Kat said...

I love the orioles as they are just so beautiful. The male goldfinches too are bright but bright yellow. I'll try and snap a picture when one drops by to visit.

The fountain would stay fairly full for a few days but Gracie thinks it's for her, and it's just the right size. I keep a bowl of water for her, but she ignores it.

Kat said...

I just happened on the web in a corner of the deck. The water drops looked like diamonds so I really wanted a good picture of it.

Good for you saving that bird!

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