Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Water Station 12: The Boston Marathon

Getting the cups filled and ready for the runners. As you see the pictures, check the street and the strewn cups. Posted by Picasa

Water, stacked and ready at my station. Posted by Picasa

The Peace Corps water contingent. Posted by Picasa

The first athlete to appear. Posted by Picasa

More wheelchair racers Posted by Picasa

One of the pace cars  Posted by Picasa

The runners start to arrive. Posted by Picasa

The group stands ready and smiles! Posted by Picasa

A water taker Posted by Picasa

Hand ready for that cup Posted by Picasa

We're ready! Posted by Picasa

They start to straggle to us. Posted by Picasa

Lokks like one missed its mark Posted by Picasa

One of the first waves Posted by Picasa

Up the short hill to Gatorade and water Posted by Picasa

Water, water to your right. Posted by Picasa

A grab and back to the run Posted by Picasa

Looking down the water station Posted by Picasa

Runners hydrate Posted by Picasa

You can see the struggle on their faces at the 12 mile mark. Posted by Picasa

Trash Posted by Picasa

and more trash Posted by Picasa

The last of the runners have started to come by us. Posted by Picasa

The pinkies seem to be everywhere. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 16, 2006

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